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50: 2020 Claims Mixer Too

2020 is turning out to be a really not so great year. At this point it has been easier to count what has gone right, instead of what has gone wrong. Unfortunately for Mixer streamers, Mixer is the most recent victim to 2020’s wrath.

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45: The Twitch Drama Train Is Getting Old.

Welcome to Gamepinions Episode 45! In this episode I talk about some of the gripes I have with Twitch, from somewhat of an outsider’s perspective.

While Gamepinions is a gaming podcast, I associate Twitch with gaming. The recent events on Twitch that seem to pop up every week has begun to annoy me, so I want to talk about them.

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43: Animal Crossing Has Taken Over Everything

We are recording this inside of our brand new Animal Crossing studio on the island of Raftel. For the first time in a long time, I can say that this episode and future episodes, will be worth listening to on YouTube. The days of our YouTube videos being static images is no more. This time we are going to give you all something fun and interesting to look at.

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